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Monday, December 31

Last day of the year: The 31st.
Last blogpost of the year: The 31st.
Last CO Practice of the year: The 31st.

Yes, today is the last day of 2007! Any new year resolution people? Well, im really looking forward to the year of 2008- where exciting and newer challenges will take place (except Olevels >.<) So fast, in 2 days time, ill be sec 4 le. "4 years in VS, long enough to write a storybook" HAHA. True. The holidays this time round, you can say it's short but i feel it's rather long too...and draggy. I'll miss the holidays :(

Year 2007: One filled with many things to learn and many experiences to take back.

Victoria School Chinese Orchestra December Residential Camp: 26th to 28th Dec, has finally come to an end. Many "behind the scenes" work had to be done to ensure activities go on as planned. It wasnt all a bed of roses for the planning committee when you see 4 other CCAs having their camp the same time as us- sleeping area was a problem, area for activities was another problem, etc. However, the thing that im very grateful about is that we could still work together with the rest of the CCAs and come to a common consensus, and whatmore, our activities could still continue as planned. So this is something i should be very thankful of, and definitely hoped that all members who attended the camp did enjoy the activities. Go the VSCO blog for the latest announcements =)

There's a chinese saying: "一波未平,一波又起"
Personally, i feel this aptly describes VSCO in the year of 2007. Just when we are settling an issue, another hurdle comes before us to tackle us. And it goes one after another.. This is especially true when we received news on the last day of our camp that we have to put up a performance for sec 1 orientation. We didnt have a booth this year, neither could we use the CO room for display, hence our only means to advertise for CO was to perform and by word of mouth. Anyway, we performed 童年的回忆, which i would say is commendable given the few hours of practice, so really well done guys and thanks so much for putting up a brave front to perform!

And during the Sec 1 Orientation, Mr. Low approached me and introduced me to Minister Yacob's son who just gained admission into VS. Well, it so happened that his son plays the cello, so yea..most likely he's joining CO? Should be bahx. Anyway this was what Mr. Low said to the Minister which made me freakin paiseh man! " Yang En is the chairman of VSCO and also the deputy head prefect...he went with me to Brunei....blah blah" Wah! I was damn 下不了台 at that instance >.< LOL. I'd been promoted =.= haha...

Yesterday, went out with my mum to Vivocity after church. YAY! Last shopping of the year~! Well, the thing at Vivo is really ex.. so quite hard to shop larz. But thanks to year end sale, i managed to buy a nice t-shirt for new year from River Island and a pair of pants from FOX Men's XD After that, went to eat dinner then before going back, bough a long piece of Australian nougat from Candy Empire. Wahh! I tell you ah..That store really has goodies and snacks from all over the world man. Interesting. Gah~ time passed so fast that before i knew it, we reached home at 11pm. Shopping seriously burns time, lol.

Activities lined up for me today, CO practice in the afternoon, then after that, will be rushing over to Rachel's house for YF Dinner till 8, then after that rush back to FSC for church Watchnight service from 10 till past past midnight. And ill be playing piano for the galz to sing tonight, so catch me live =.=

OK. Camp pics in the next post, which is the first post of the year, so watch out for it and TAG!
With that, HAPPY NEW YEAR's EVE to everyone!
; 10:47 am

Saturday, December 22

hi people!
if you're wondering where ive been these few days, then ill tell you now!
well, i was sick unwell from last sunday to tuesday...arghh down with asthma and flu sian...so i didnt manage to attend pract =(
On wed and thurs, i went for church camp in Johor, Malaysia! Well, the camp is actually from Monday to Friday, but sadly cant attend full time because parents' still have to work..We reached some place called Tanjong Puteri Golf Resort which was actually a very very nice place. The villa we lived in was freakin nice!!! And whatmore, the facilities they have is well...many....but not in a very good condition though..sigh. there was tennis, soccer, table tennis, snooker, bowling (damn slow..takes damn long to set up pins and always jam up de =.=), carrom..and swimming. =) Sad to say, i forgot to take pics down there =( =(
And may i commment on one thing, the food is bloody fantastic!! XD XD

OK. NOW I SHALL BLOG ABOUT FOOD and make you all jealous jk :

Sumptuous meal 1: THE GRILL

Thursday Night- WOW! On the last night of the church camp, what served in front of my very eyes were grilled lamb chop (grill on the spot), beef and chicken. And the grilled hot dogs are definitely a first for me. It's finger lickin gooood!! Tender! Tasty! I lurve it mann!!! Dessert? Cakes and Pudding and fruits!

Sumptuous meal 2: PIZZA!

Yesterday night- WOW! Got kinda surprised when i reached home after buying logs yesterday. my mum bought PIZZA for dinner! YAY! Long time never eat pizza le ~DROOLS~ YUMMY LARGE HAWAIIAN....and to add on... crystal jade pastries and kueh. wahh, i tell you, you guys must try the crystal jade bakery mann! Its freakin nice, yes! Every single one of them! YUMM~!!


Tonight- YAY! Just came back from aunt's house coz she invited us over to her house for dinner. TURKEY! HAM! BACON! with brown sauce, cranberry sauce and apple sauce! seved with rice and coleslaw, and dessert was sweet sweet fruit cakes! SO FULL! but very nice XD


GTG le =)
; 10:30 pm

Friday, December 14

Yesterday was rather sian in the morning esp. after a night of JL/SL BBQ. Actually, COgang went to PP first (did we eat dinner? :X) where weeb, jq and alphons went to get the heritage shirt from bossini..haha! im getting mine today =) maybe later?

Then yesterday night went with Wei Liang and Ruth to watch Manjusri cum Gan Eng Seng Band Concert! Well, i only found the last 2 songs interesting...the rest were worth to fall asleep=.= Didnt go anywhere after SCH and reached home at around 1030pm. Tired.

Just watched a rather interesting video where they show some of the funniest goals scored in soccer history:

The FUNNIEST Soccer/Football Goals EVER! - The top video clips of the week are here

And guess what, watching another concert tonight. 2 concerts in a row, burn $20 liao =( but this time it's RICOla concert~! Guess ill meet the rest for dinner after piano in the evening, then go watch concert le =)

; 11:11 am

Monday, December 10

Shagged. But lovin' it.

And 天堂鸟 last episode rocked~!!
; 8:59 pm

Sunday, December 9

Very long never blog liao, dont know whether im trying to find time or just plain lazy..
Anw, these few weeks quite heavy for me coz got quite a lot of big and secret stuff to handle. Time really flies.. Feel that this holiday ive been very slack and on non-activity days, i wake up at around 11? and that's already like 1/2 the day gone and the feeling of lethargic-ness steps in..

And talking about homework, NO. i havent begun, well i only completed E. Maths..which is not a big deal coz its not the sciences and mahs hwk which i worry about but rather the PROJECTS: Social studies, English and Chinese. The other subs hwk can leave till last-minute chionging and still can finish de, it's jut the projects that irritate me alot. and i feel very sian whenever i look at the assignments and i see that i only have about 3 weeks left till school reopens..=( I want my HOLIDAYS!!
I dont know why..its either the school givin too much homework, or im just not in the mood or lack the drive to start these projects, or rather both bahz..

BUT..its good to know that there's the TV and Comp to relieve stress, and 2 concets to attend, and.. a 2D1N church camp to go to=)

Well, this post shall be short coz' i gtg.
; 8:54 pm

Sunday, December 2

Yay! Updated.

Went for HCCO interaction ytd! Well, quite fun larz..but after planning for quite a number of camps, now participating in one again feels kinda odd, in the sense that its like a different feeling altogether. Haha. Anywayz, the interaction was a whole day event and we had to wake up so early (and whatmore i slept at 1am the night before to watch Suvivor China)! Good thing i didnt feel so lethargic at the start of the day. After the performances from Hwa Chong, our school and CCHM, we were split into grps..and i ended up with wj and bryan=) In any case, it was nice meeting the rest of the ppl from other schools!~ And our group leader too: Chen Yang En

Our day started wtwh icebreakers- Wacko! (expected=.=) where bryan was the biggest loser lol. No offence to him though but he was damn funny, haha! Should get you to facil for Wacko for CO camp ;D
Then we had activities lie pairing up and playing 'kampung soccer' and the Tug-Of-War which made ppl most shag, and the ever fun waterbomb..Sadly, the waterbombs were like gone in 5 min. and the planning committee started playing 'rough' with huge pails of water. HAHA! Poor Bryan again! Kena soaked-.- Oh and i forgot to mention, there was a game where we had to piggy back each other across a dist. Bryan piggy-ed me >.< Eh, this activity sounds familiar eh >.> *hint-CO Room-hint*

While the rest could still happily chat after the debriefing, i had to go off at 615pm, coz my aunt treated my whole family to watch a concert at Esplanade: Handel's Messiah. Woah!! The vocals are all bloody fantastic! Worth watching~ well, i found the interior of Esplanade fascinating and interesting and NICE (of course!)since its the first time i actually been to the Esplanade concert hall. XD XD XD Nice nice! And the concert was long, all the way from 730 to 1030~! Hiong sia, my day!!

After having a good rest last night, was kind of lazy to go chuch=( Coz today had to attend the earlier service at 1130am since i'll be tracting in the afternoon (Tracting means giving out tracts to bring more pepople to Christ..yea..sth like that lar ah). Sian-ed in the afternoon partly coz the Sun was freakin burning me..

After that, went to TM to see watch =) and eat dinner duh! after walk walk for abt 15 min..walked over to Century Square where more choices await me :D And then i saw adamn nice watch and very very worth it. And fits me too=) But sadly i didnt buy it though=(..Coz it overshot my budget lol..cost abt like $188. But for the quality its a very good deal, and also compared to other shops...Hope i will get it soon. Nice nice!~


Anyways, let me end off with something i predict=) lol. thought of it in HCCO interaction.HAHA.

Qn: What's Alphonsus' occupation when he grows up?

Ans: Policeman. Coz he says " Freeze!" LOL.

ok.entertainment over..tune in for more posts next time!~XD
; 9:30 pm

VS 4a '08

Links (:

Chen Ee
Hai Quan
Hin Kai
Jing Qun
Joshua Kow
Jun Wei
Jun Yin
Lin Chun
Li Zhi
Ming Hao
Ser Yang
Wee Bian
Wei Guang
Wei Liang
Wei Jie
Yong Siang
Yi Jie
Ze Wei


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