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Friday, December 26

Christmas Party yesterday was loads of fun! ;D We should have more of such gatherings again! (:

Tag replies:

[Cindy Daryl]: Lol =.= I didnt get haunt last night :P The kangaroos love me ;D
[edwin]: Haha, nope. JUST FEELIN HIGH! xD Lol.
[JoanChen:)]: Duh. Then?
[choonhian], [kys], [JoanChen:)]: Merry Christmas to y'all! (:
; 11:21 am

Wednesday, December 24

Ahh...just came back from carolling. Went to two dfferent places for the whole night. Im superrr tired now. It's christMAS day tmr! (: TyeMAS favourite day xD Must wake up early to attend service in the morning, think maybe afternoon should be going out to walk around and stuff, and at night is cousin's place for dinner! Turkey, here i come...

Went converse warehouse sale ytd with some ppl. Bought a pair of slips there. Shoes there are cheap! But i think most good designs all taken alr since ytd was the 3rd last day of the sale.

I shall go bleach then sleeppppp!

Tag replies:

[Bryan]: Lol. =.=
[Joanny]: Haha! I think i better be careful.
[queenie]: Haha. lol.
[JoanChen:)]: Cause i cant get inside the house even after several attempts? Lol.
; 11:27 pm

Friday, December 19

Back from church camp in malaysia last night. Tired tired. Got messages, forums and prayer one after another, soooo routine. Then one day only got 4hrs free time, excluding mealtimes. It's good to be back (:

Got sudden replacement for piano today, but yay! It's last lesson for 2008! Then walk round esplanade, and went funan and raffles city. Now back and going eat dinner alr. And watch the little nonya at the same time.


Tag replies:

[WebCamSex]:You can have them for yourself. Lol.
[weeb]: Yay, blog already!~
[Bryan]: HAHA, really? Aww soo sad. Lol.
[HAHA.]: Hihi! Thanks for tagging(: Okay you too take care :]
[queenie]: Haha okay sure (:
[kys]: Thanks for tagging (:
[Bryan]: Yah lah yah lah. I learnt a lesson, that my house very difficult to break in. Lol
[Guest]:You dont like joan? haha.
[edwin]: Haha, he running out of ideas le bah. Lol.
[Cute Donkey]: Haha lol.
[JingQun]: Haha, pity she dont know.
[Guest]: Haha lol ppl dont know mah.
[JoanChen]: Lol, IP address can change one lah!
[edwin]: Hahaha, you know ycd so well ahhh.
[Cute donkey]: Haha, ycd, it's so easy to guess it's you lor. Obvious!
[Guest]: Lol.
; 8:52 pm

Sunday, December 7

Ahhhh, so lazy to blog. So just do quiz since ive been tagged. Superr longgg!

Quiz by : Tan Jing Qun
Starting Time : 900pm
Name : Tan Yang En
Shoe Size: 10
Height : 173cm (:
Where do you live: 2 stops away from Eunos MRT
Favorite Drinks: Milk tea? Lol, i like alot of drinks!

Have you ever ---
1. Been on a plane :

2. Fallen asleep at school :

3. Broken someone's heart :
Not that i can rmb?

4. Fell of your chair :
Lol, quite a few times. Pain lah!

5. Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call :

6. Saved e-mails :

7. What is your room like :
Like heaven. Lol. Like normal room lor..but nicer (:

8. The last thing you ate :
Mixed vegetable rice.

9. Ever had chickenpox :
Nope. Vaccine(:

10. Sore throat :

11. Broken nose :

12. Do you believe in love at first sight :
Depends, haha. Must have the FEEL then can.

13. Like picnics :
Nah. Unless it's a fun one.

Who was the last person---

14. you danced with :
My cousin? At timezone, lol..

15. Last person who made you smile :
Myself. Lol. (same as weeb, hahaha)

16. You last yelled at:
My cousin. (Not the same as the previous cousin i mentioned before) I was teaching him how to shout. Lol.

Today did you ---

17. Talk to someone you like :
Yes. My friends.

18. Kiss anyone :
My bolster.

19. Fall sick :

20. Talk to an ex :

21. Miss someone :

22. Eat :

23. Best feeling in the world :
Feeling HIGH. Lol.

24. Do you sleep with stuffed animals :

25. What's under your bed :
Air and dust?

26. Who do you really hate :
No one. Hate is not a good feeling. The Bible says we should love everyone ;D

27.What time is it now? :

Random ---
28. Is there a person who is on your mind now :

29. Do you have any siblings :
Nope. Only child.

30. Do you want children :

31. Do you smile often :

32. Do you like your handwriting :
Yeah, it's quite nice for a guy's handwriting.

33. Are your toenails painted :
Lol no.

34. Who's bed other than yours would you rather sleep in:
Any bed. As long as it's comfy and nice to sleep in.

35. What color shirt are you wearing now :

36. What were you doing at 7pm yesterday :
Eating at Plaza Sing.

37. U can't wait till :
18. Then can watch M18 movies.

38. Are you a friendly person :
Haha dun ask me!

39. Do you have any pets?

40. Where is the person you have feelings for right now?

41. Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you :

42. Do you sleep with the TV on :
No. Now electricity bills damn ex leh.

43. Have you ever crawled through a window :
Haha no.

44. Are you too forgiving? :
Haha, maybe? idk.

45. Are you closer to your mother or your father? :
Mother bah.. She understands me better.. (same)

45. Who was the last person you cried in front of? :
Forget alr. Im not emo. Lol.

46. How many people can you say you really loved?
Lol, erm. Lazy to count. Quite a number of ppl lorh.

47. Do you eat healthy ?
How to eat healthy? It’s a word, it can’t be eaten.. Lol.. (Same)

48. Do you still have pictures of you and your ex?

49. Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you ?
Nope. Eh wait..I think first day in nursery the teacher ask me to say my name then i cry. Lol.

50. If you're having a bad day, who will you most likely go to?
Go listen to the song 'Bad Day'?

51. Are you loud or quiet most of the time? :
Depends bah.. (same)

52. Are you confident :
Depends too.. (same)

53. 5 things I was doing 10 years ago :
-Watching ppl play tamiya cars!
-Playing with legos.
-Playing gameboy (the super old, fat and black and white one)
-Eating porridge.
-acting spastic? Lol.

54. 5 things on my to-do list today :
-Go out
-Go out
-Go out
-Go out
-Dont stay at home (aka. Go out)lol.

55. 5 things I would do if I were a billionaire :
Spend all and become bankrupt? Haha.

56. 5 of my bad habits :

57. 5 places I lived in:
Hougang, Bedok Reservoir, Eunos, Eunos, Eunos.

58. 5 jobs I've had :
Student. Errrr...part time 'tutor' (teach my cousins, haha)

YAY DONE! Long post because of long quiz (:
; 8:50 pm

Sunday, November 30

Tag replies:

[:)AMANDA]: Haha lol, and random too!
[Bebebobo]: Lol -.- What makes you think so?
[Amanda T.] : Haha, yeah!
[kokokokoko]: Lol, who are you?
[wj]: Lol, 2 days to CO outing! Haha -.-
[Kaywerlyn]: HAHAHA! Yup i will? Lol. She PLAY PLAY also not my business. Lol, im such a good brother eh ;D
[Twguang]: Haha! You say yourself old one ah, not me. Lol, OLD MAN!

Interesting pics! o.O

These few were taken a few weeks ago when i went orchard, and the last 2 were taken just yesterday at bugis street!

OMG WHAT THEY DOING? Haiyo...tsk tsk tsk!

Lol, what an advertisement by Carl's Jr.! -.-

[words below] Violaters will be shot at without remorse. [below it] Survivors will be shot at again. HAHA!

Lol, wth?!

Some unique design for a t-shirt! HAHA. Anyone wants to wear?
; 10:32 pm

Friday, November 28

[AMANDA]: Lol yeah.
[.]: Lol, why dog?
[Kaywerlyn]: Lol! Well, she has STM. Haha!
[Joan]: Lol, then why the whole world know?
[AMANDA]: Haha, very irritating? Lol.
[Kaywerlyn]: Haha! She's my 'sis' leh! Lolz.
[Bryan]: Lol, is you lag! Haha. Pictures speak a thousand words, too wordy posts would bore ppl off. Haha. Because it's a prestigious opportunity for him to study in a renowned university in the states.
[.]: lol.>.<
[edwin]: Haha, yeah. Must go out with us next time! (:
[Joan]: lol.
[TJ]: Hey! No prob (: Haha. Have a great stay there! XD Tty soon too!
[hafidzhin]:Ewww! Haha. Im glad my stomach's still ok until now.Lol.
[Twguang]: Lol, how big you want? Haha, this is called training your eyesight, then you'll get used to it (:
; 10:46 pm

VS 4a '08

Links (:

Chen Ee
Hai Quan
Hin Kai
Jing Qun
Joshua Kow
Jun Wei
Jun Yin
Lin Chun
Li Zhi
Ming Hao
Ser Yang
Wee Bian
Wei Guang
Wei Liang
Wei Jie
Yong Siang
Yi Jie
Ze Wei


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